About us
Main activities:
· representing the interests and protecting the rights of participants in foreign deals;
· selection and attraction of foreign suppliers of goods and services;
· promotion and expansion of new markets for goods and services;
· providing consulting services to members of the Association;
· turnkey support of foreign trade deals;
· searching for investment projects and attracting investors;
· attraction and promotion of innovative technologies abroad;
· providing assistance in introducing new foreign goods and technologies into circulation;
· organizing business missions to different partner countries to build relationships;
· organizing and holding forums, seminars, round tables and other events;
· research of goods and services, analysis of trends and prospects for the development.
Our members and partners
The Association helps companies to create and develop successful and secure relationships with trading partners from different countries, to increase their profitability from participation in foreign trade activities.
  • Importers and Exporters
    The Association helps to expand the range of foreign suppliers and buyers of goods, strengthen successful positions in the area of foreign trade activities.
  • International
    The Association helps to increase the number of customers and orders for international transportation, and effectively use the capabilities of cargo vehicles.
  • Manufacturers
    of goods and services
    The Association helps to expand foreign markets for goods and services, to increase their competitiveness in the international market.
  • Investment
    The Association helps to obtain highly profitable orders for the supply of goods and services in profitable foreign investment projects.
  • Banks
    The Association helps to attract new customers, including foreign ones, increase the number of banking operations and increase the profitability of insurance activities.
  • Investors
    The Association helps to minimize investment risks and attract foreign contractors to implement investment projects.
  • Customs Brokers
    The Association helps to increase the number of customers and customs operations, increase trade turnover through temporary storage warehouses.
  • Insurance companies
    The Association helps to attract new customers, expand the insurance market and increase the profitability of insurance activities.
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